Saturday, December 27, 2008

My First Show (Sorta): B-52s, Violent Femmes at Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ (9/11/1992)

This was the first show of my choosing. When I was a baby, my mom took me and my older brother to go see Raffi at some theater near Oakville, Ontario. So, a Raffi show is technically my first concert. When I was about 14, my parents took my brother, grandmother and me to see Ray Charles at the State Theater in New Brunswick, NJ. That's a pretty great show to claim as a first if I ever got the itch to do so. Alas, the Violent Femmes and B-52s were the first bands I consciously purchased a ticket to see. (As for how I got the money to make said purchase, I don't remember.)

I believe I went with three other girls. (Two I can remember by name. The third I can't even remember by face.)

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